Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A song, a film, a poem. These are just a few of the things that have 'heartless' in them. Most people use the term to call someone who is cruel & evil to the core. But in the case of a film starring Jim Sturgess he was born with a birth mark shaped like a heart. Hence he was 'heartless' but also because of the aftermath that occurs. Picked on his entire life he makes a deal with the devil to get rid of this "burden". In turn the devil tells him he must cause some type of chaos in the world.
The devil or evil whatever your belief is, lives on chaos & disorder in the world; but so do most people. In the film they touch upon religion & the forces of good. If one doesn't believe in god & good then there would be no use for evil. Evil is what makes most people believe that there is some good in this world. If you believe strong enough the good will overpower evil, that's the way its supposed to be, right?

I didn't finish the movie, not because of anything religious but it was really hard to understand their accents & the plot line was taking a while. But from what I saw in the movie being born with something that one might find horrendous someone else finds it beautiful. Yeah the same old story "its the inside that counts blah, blah, blah". But it was the power he gave the scar that made it worse for him.

I'll end with this, if you like a movie that will teach you lesson to not be so vain with a little thrill thrown in there then by all means watch it. But in my opinion the movie & its message has been depicted a thousand times. Also a bonus to this movie Jim Sturgess is hott no matter what. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Royal Wedding

April 29, 2011 will be a day where 2 billion people are going to glue their eyes to the tv or their ears to the radio. My mother & I are included in those 2 billion people; its quite funny because I didn't expect to be so excited for this wedding yet I find my self watching all the 'Royal Specials' & actually dreaming about it.

Ok that was a little TMI but what I've come to realize is that the reasons why I am so excited is because it's a fairytale wedding & its love. No matter how tough someone might seem they too will be listening to those wedding bells. In this world, what we are going through, it's nice to get away from all the hullabaloo & watch a 'commoner' & a prince marry.

Every girl, including myself, always wants that happy ending where you can dance in all kinds of dresses & attend parties & make a difference. And that is why most of those billions of people will be women, they want that ending. The future princess Katherine Middelton will take that 4min walk down Westminster Abbey & all eyes will be in awe. A young, college educated, beautiful woman captured the heart of a royal heir.

Don't we wish the world was filled with more Princes & Princess so we can get a chance to woo them & show how fun 'the common folk' can be.

Here's to the Royal couple & all the children & heirs or heiress they will make.

Check local listings for royal wedding coverage.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A New Year, A New Time.

Happy New Year!! Well, it's a little late for that but still like the saying goes "It's never too late start over." So your new year could last all year, well that's what I like to think anyways. This blog has been an outlet for me to say my opinions about some of the subjects that just popped into my mind. But I have decided, as a sort of goal for this blog, that I will write about what I am most passionate about. Because honestly it takes me a while to think about what I'm going to write about certain subjects to not offend anyone so my mind felt like it was limited I mean this post alone has taken me 3 days to write. But that is besides the point, when I started this blog it was just something as a stress release but I realized it wasn't just a stress release.

This blog can be a way for me to expose my true passion for film and television. Writing reviews and giving my opinion the upcoming award shows. Because I think my family is getting pretty tired listening to me and my theories so I minus well just write it down here. So this year for this blog is all about me finding my passion or rather writing about it.

Hope you enjoy.
Non illegitimus carborundum