Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What to do when you're stuck in the mud...almost chest deep.

Starters, no this isn't about how to escape being stuck in mud, chest deep. Because if you are sorry you are way unluckier than the unluckiest person you know. This is more a metaphorical post about how one might feel that their life isn't going anywhere and you don't see a future ahead. Well, if you haven't experienced that before than you are luckier than the luckiest person you know.
Anyhoo....if you are that person who has felt that life is slow for you, you "aren't where you're supposed to be", you want more than what you have, you know you deserve more than what you have, etc., etc. Those moments of loathing the situation you are in and just wanting to quit is natural. Everyone has those moments and it isn't wrong to want to quit. It isn't giving up. To some it might be giving up to others it is a new beginning.

Starting over is the scariest thing any person goes through. But completely reinventing yourself and changing your habits and routine is a drastic step. Others ease right into it, while there are the rest that "freak out" and are always thinking about the future and stability. That cloud of doom that gets closer and closer everytime you look up is not a picture you want to see.

So what do you do when you have weighed all the options: want to change because you're unhappy, but can't because you need this stability for the future. Some would say stay unhappy until you have saved and feel you are stable enough to leave and then do what you want to do. That is the safe way.
  The other is to just leave and don't look back and keep on walking. In order to get out you need to move forward and walk through the "darkness."

See I do not function that way. My heart and belly wants to take a chance and leap, never looking back regretting. But my head and my "head" are always telling me otherwise or giving advice that sounds correct right in the moment or situation, but I feel like that I will regret it in the future.

Boy are we stuck in a pickle......life will always have this same obstacle just with a different color to it. But does one react or change or make a decision that can alter their entire future? There just comes a time where you have had enough and instead of repressing all those feelings down until one day it explodes you decide to save the trouble and take that stand now. You may regret it the moment you do it and maybe a few days or weeks after, but in the long run you would have done yourself a favor.

You can look back at that moment and say to yourself "I wasn't being a whimp or pansy. I was being my own hero and I am proud for what I did." Talk about thinking of the future and how that can effect you.

Now if only I can take my own advice.