Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where is this Rule Book?

Right now I am listening to Sara Bareilles' song "The King of Anything" She sings about her boyfriend and how come he can judge her but yet he won't allow her to share her opinion. And she is right, what gave him the right to comment on everything she does or doesn't do? Or even for that matter a woman, what gave any woman the right to humiliate another woman or guy? To gossip in order to make their ego feel a lot better? In my honest opinion (IMHO) in the beginning of time cavemen,Adam & Eve, whatever you believe in, the only thing that was on their mind was food, water, and survival. Money didn't exist, greed wasn't a word, selfish had not begun to form. But my question is, where did we the human race, the greatest thing God ever created or in evolution sense coming from animals, when did we get so evil? So cruel? So heartless? That the only thing beating is the money sign flashing in the eyes $$$$.

When did this jealousy and greed truly begin to take over our lives? Why is it that you have to be so mean and rude to people because you think it will make them learn a lesson? But the funny thing is it's up to the person getting bullied, taunted, and interrogated that has to stand up and face the music. They are the one's that has to put on a happy face and say to themselves "I can get through this. There is always a bright side" Why is it up to the belittled people to tough it out? Who says the world has to be vicious in order to succeed!! What about the bullies? Oh they will get karma, they'll get what's coming to them. But when? I personally would not like to see them in pain or feel my anger but rather let them experience a place where success didn't come from hate and betrayal but from kindness and patience. Maybe if their heart and mind are open to it they might have hope that the high corporate, sky line business can work together instead of individually.

That saying, that old saying the innocent people used to say, "Kindness goes a long way." Whatever happened to that mentality? I know I am just dreaming but i believe that if most of the people in this world just learned to be kinder, patient, loving, and calmer this world could solve the biggest problems we face. And please reading tweets or quotes or self-help books that say "if you want this peaceful world start with you, within you." I am going to be honest but not mean by writing that it does not matter if you try your hardest, believe it the most, or wish it everyday this world is like a team. In order to succeed we need to all be on the same page, believe in the same thing and trust each other.

If we could try to recreate this "Rule Book" into something more manageable and kinder I would not be surprised if we succeed more with kindness than will harsh and evil words. And the one's they are atrocious and monstrous too are the one's who keep their greedy lives going. And this is all IMHO.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Every moment is most important!

Is it a cliche to write that every moment is an opportunity to learn? But there is so much truth in that sentence. Every incident, whether good or bad, is a moment to learn, love and grow. I am still trying to harness this belief and realize that everything that has happened was meant to happen. But still that whole "I'm gonna think optimistic and positive" idea can sometimes get a little tiring. Yes, I am one who is always preaching about thinking positive and looking towards the bright side but sometimes I just wanna kick it in the a**. I mean lets get serious, the world is full of hatred and negative thoughts. That is what keeps the world going around and makes the rich people richer.

The rich and wealthy thrive on the poor or rather the medium income citizen. Without the lower class people the rich, famous, and wealthy would be no where. Let's take the famous people for example. Many celebrities take for granted all the fame they were given. They tend to not treat the fans right when they want an autograph but when they win that award they say "I wouldn't be here without the fans!" What a load of whoo-haa, I mean seriously STOP LIYING!! We all know that they don't care about the fans even though they made them super famous!!

But I am getting off topic here, my true point is this that no matter how tough the situation we will always think that this moment is the worst moment of our lives. But is it really? I wanna write no but when you are in that moment, feeling all those emotions it will feel like the end of the world. Those people out there are the toughest people ever but what gave them the right to be so cruel and mean? That will be for another post.

As for now I will be signing off and maybe hope that tomorrow will bring some type of inspiration into my life and yours.