Monday, June 7, 2010

Every moment is most important!

Is it a cliche to write that every moment is an opportunity to learn? But there is so much truth in that sentence. Every incident, whether good or bad, is a moment to learn, love and grow. I am still trying to harness this belief and realize that everything that has happened was meant to happen. But still that whole "I'm gonna think optimistic and positive" idea can sometimes get a little tiring. Yes, I am one who is always preaching about thinking positive and looking towards the bright side but sometimes I just wanna kick it in the a**. I mean lets get serious, the world is full of hatred and negative thoughts. That is what keeps the world going around and makes the rich people richer.

The rich and wealthy thrive on the poor or rather the medium income citizen. Without the lower class people the rich, famous, and wealthy would be no where. Let's take the famous people for example. Many celebrities take for granted all the fame they were given. They tend to not treat the fans right when they want an autograph but when they win that award they say "I wouldn't be here without the fans!" What a load of whoo-haa, I mean seriously STOP LIYING!! We all know that they don't care about the fans even though they made them super famous!!

But I am getting off topic here, my true point is this that no matter how tough the situation we will always think that this moment is the worst moment of our lives. But is it really? I wanna write no but when you are in that moment, feeling all those emotions it will feel like the end of the world. Those people out there are the toughest people ever but what gave them the right to be so cruel and mean? That will be for another post.

As for now I will be signing off and maybe hope that tomorrow will bring some type of inspiration into my life and yours.

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