Thursday, December 2, 2010

All we need is LOVE & PEACE.

All I want is Love and Peace. These past few years have been Hell for everyone in the world. Yes some might say "No" not everyone has suffered but really it has been & its undeniable. But how are we going to fix it? There are so many people in this world that have their own opinions and want to speak their mind,but they can't or find it hard. No one really get's anywhere from fighting, bickering, or back stabbing. I sometimes, and this may sound weird, but I sometimes feel like I can feel all the emotions of everyone who is silenced, oppressed, angry, loved, hated, etc. It may sound crazy but I do feel that criticizing someone or a whole race will not get anyone anywhere in life. I don't think Albert Einstein or Benjamin Franklin had their own show and decided to bash and criticize certain people, races, religion,etc. No!! They imagined a world where people would live in Peace and Harmony, so they put their contribution to the world. Created things, gave ideas to make this world the best it can be. They probably didn't care what people thought of them or if they were crazy, if they weren't going the traditional route, or that they were taking too long with a certain invention. They went on with their lives and tried their best to be honorable, truthful and respectable citizens of this world.

Einstein saw the world, the galaxy, the Universe in a whole different way it astounded people. He changed everybody's minds with his theory of relativity and the universe. But the thing is he didn't come up with his solution in 2 years, it took him a few years to find this theory and make people believe and understand in him. It's a shame what this world is slowly coming to and what kind of people are there are.

We are an insignificant planet in a galaxy that is quite small tucked away in some small corner of the universe. We have to remember that. We have to realize that our lives are as small as fleas compared to the big universe. There are probably so many other planets and life forms out there that have probably discovered us by now. They probably laugh at the fact that we have 30 talk shows in the morning that pretty much argue over non-sense. That we have so called "sluts" walking around and we consider them the next celebrity. We have "reality" shows that showcase stupidity and pass it off as entertainment. I personally think that we are a laughing stock to those other life forms out there. Running around the desert looking for weapons and hunting groups that are considered evil to the world.

Honestly its incredible that most of the human race thinks that they are the most important thing in the entire galaxy. Everything revolves around US and there are no such things as aliens or greater power's that is out there. We are not important and we should really stop worrying about the littlest things because it won't matter in a few years. We need Peace and learn to Love one another for who we are. So all this petty bickering and lying and blah blah blah......won't matter, it DOESN'T matter.

We need love and peace in this world because it is the only way, I think, we will be able to make it through this universe and all its wonders.

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