Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Progress and Enlightenment

Do you feel that? That tense feeling in the air? The conversation is more heated. The people are more opinionated. The media is non-stop. Yes, it is election time!! And no I am not happy about it, if you couldn't tell from my multiply exclamation points. I do not like this time of year not because I don't care about the government or myself and my choices, but because it brings out the ugly in people. Everyone is on edge and all kinds of stories come out and people tend to look at only the bad and what one hasn't done. I get it, it's hard not too considering the kind of country we are and the ideals we have, but seriously can our minds be open just a little?

Another reason I do not care about this time year is that random people are trying to change your views and forcing their opinions on you. It's fascinating to see people care so much about another person's faults and just badger them about it. My question to you is, can you handle this job? Can you handle roughly 20-30 people telling you what's right and wrong? And then on top of that the media scrutinizing your every move? And you can't tell them no or you're going to do it this way because then you might be considered to powerful or a dictator.

I respect those people that are passionate about politics they care so much and they are the one's that keep this country what it is. Although my point is this, there is way to be passionate and supportive without being nasty. Yes politics isn't glitter and sunshine, but in my opinion in order to keep this country from turning into one of those awful countries you feel sorry for there needs to be a line. The basis of our ideals is optimism and freedom, the freedom to be who you want to be.

My last observation is this, we do not know what goes on behind closed doors. We hear what we want to hear and read what we want to read. We blindly put our trust in a government who takes advantage of it and yet we still do it. There is no other word for it in my opinion, but we live in a crazy, selfish world and if you want change, then start with yourself.


Probably according to you (a very naive, ignorant girl)
But to me a progressive, enlightened thinker.....haha

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