Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Progress and Enlightenment

Do you feel that? That tense feeling in the air? The conversation is more heated. The people are more opinionated. The media is non-stop. Yes, it is election time!! And no I am not happy about it, if you couldn't tell from my multiply exclamation points. I do not like this time of year not because I don't care about the government or myself and my choices, but because it brings out the ugly in people. Everyone is on edge and all kinds of stories come out and people tend to look at only the bad and what one hasn't done. I get it, it's hard not too considering the kind of country we are and the ideals we have, but seriously can our minds be open just a little?

Another reason I do not care about this time year is that random people are trying to change your views and forcing their opinions on you. It's fascinating to see people care so much about another person's faults and just badger them about it. My question to you is, can you handle this job? Can you handle roughly 20-30 people telling you what's right and wrong? And then on top of that the media scrutinizing your every move? And you can't tell them no or you're going to do it this way because then you might be considered to powerful or a dictator.

I respect those people that are passionate about politics they care so much and they are the one's that keep this country what it is. Although my point is this, there is way to be passionate and supportive without being nasty. Yes politics isn't glitter and sunshine, but in my opinion in order to keep this country from turning into one of those awful countries you feel sorry for there needs to be a line. The basis of our ideals is optimism and freedom, the freedom to be who you want to be.

My last observation is this, we do not know what goes on behind closed doors. We hear what we want to hear and read what we want to read. We blindly put our trust in a government who takes advantage of it and yet we still do it. There is no other word for it in my opinion, but we live in a crazy, selfish world and if you want change, then start with yourself.


Probably according to you (a very naive, ignorant girl)
But to me a progressive, enlightened thinker.....haha

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What to do when you're stuck in the mud...almost chest deep.

Starters, no this isn't about how to escape being stuck in mud, chest deep. Because if you are sorry you are way unluckier than the unluckiest person you know. This is more a metaphorical post about how one might feel that their life isn't going anywhere and you don't see a future ahead. Well, if you haven't experienced that before than you are luckier than the luckiest person you know.
Anyhoo....if you are that person who has felt that life is slow for you, you "aren't where you're supposed to be", you want more than what you have, you know you deserve more than what you have, etc., etc. Those moments of loathing the situation you are in and just wanting to quit is natural. Everyone has those moments and it isn't wrong to want to quit. It isn't giving up. To some it might be giving up to others it is a new beginning.

Starting over is the scariest thing any person goes through. But completely reinventing yourself and changing your habits and routine is a drastic step. Others ease right into it, while there are the rest that "freak out" and are always thinking about the future and stability. That cloud of doom that gets closer and closer everytime you look up is not a picture you want to see.

So what do you do when you have weighed all the options: want to change because you're unhappy, but can't because you need this stability for the future. Some would say stay unhappy until you have saved and feel you are stable enough to leave and then do what you want to do. That is the safe way.
  The other is to just leave and don't look back and keep on walking. In order to get out you need to move forward and walk through the "darkness."

See I do not function that way. My heart and belly wants to take a chance and leap, never looking back regretting. But my head and my "head" are always telling me otherwise or giving advice that sounds correct right in the moment or situation, but I feel like that I will regret it in the future.

Boy are we stuck in a will always have this same obstacle just with a different color to it. But does one react or change or make a decision that can alter their entire future? There just comes a time where you have had enough and instead of repressing all those feelings down until one day it explodes you decide to save the trouble and take that stand now. You may regret it the moment you do it and maybe a few days or weeks after, but in the long run you would have done yourself a favor.

You can look back at that moment and say to yourself "I wasn't being a whimp or pansy. I was being my own hero and I am proud for what I did." Talk about thinking of the future and how that can effect you.

Now if only I can take my own advice.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A song, a film, a poem. These are just a few of the things that have 'heartless' in them. Most people use the term to call someone who is cruel & evil to the core. But in the case of a film starring Jim Sturgess he was born with a birth mark shaped like a heart. Hence he was 'heartless' but also because of the aftermath that occurs. Picked on his entire life he makes a deal with the devil to get rid of this "burden". In turn the devil tells him he must cause some type of chaos in the world.
The devil or evil whatever your belief is, lives on chaos & disorder in the world; but so do most people. In the film they touch upon religion & the forces of good. If one doesn't believe in god & good then there would be no use for evil. Evil is what makes most people believe that there is some good in this world. If you believe strong enough the good will overpower evil, that's the way its supposed to be, right?

I didn't finish the movie, not because of anything religious but it was really hard to understand their accents & the plot line was taking a while. But from what I saw in the movie being born with something that one might find horrendous someone else finds it beautiful. Yeah the same old story "its the inside that counts blah, blah, blah". But it was the power he gave the scar that made it worse for him.

I'll end with this, if you like a movie that will teach you lesson to not be so vain with a little thrill thrown in there then by all means watch it. But in my opinion the movie & its message has been depicted a thousand times. Also a bonus to this movie Jim Sturgess is hott no matter what. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Royal Wedding

April 29, 2011 will be a day where 2 billion people are going to glue their eyes to the tv or their ears to the radio. My mother & I are included in those 2 billion people; its quite funny because I didn't expect to be so excited for this wedding yet I find my self watching all the 'Royal Specials' & actually dreaming about it.

Ok that was a little TMI but what I've come to realize is that the reasons why I am so excited is because it's a fairytale wedding & its love. No matter how tough someone might seem they too will be listening to those wedding bells. In this world, what we are going through, it's nice to get away from all the hullabaloo & watch a 'commoner' & a prince marry.

Every girl, including myself, always wants that happy ending where you can dance in all kinds of dresses & attend parties & make a difference. And that is why most of those billions of people will be women, they want that ending. The future princess Katherine Middelton will take that 4min walk down Westminster Abbey & all eyes will be in awe. A young, college educated, beautiful woman captured the heart of a royal heir.

Don't we wish the world was filled with more Princes & Princess so we can get a chance to woo them & show how fun 'the common folk' can be.

Here's to the Royal couple & all the children & heirs or heiress they will make.

Check local listings for royal wedding coverage.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A New Year, A New Time.

Happy New Year!! Well, it's a little late for that but still like the saying goes "It's never too late start over." So your new year could last all year, well that's what I like to think anyways. This blog has been an outlet for me to say my opinions about some of the subjects that just popped into my mind. But I have decided, as a sort of goal for this blog, that I will write about what I am most passionate about. Because honestly it takes me a while to think about what I'm going to write about certain subjects to not offend anyone so my mind felt like it was limited I mean this post alone has taken me 3 days to write. But that is besides the point, when I started this blog it was just something as a stress release but I realized it wasn't just a stress release.

This blog can be a way for me to expose my true passion for film and television. Writing reviews and giving my opinion the upcoming award shows. Because I think my family is getting pretty tired listening to me and my theories so I minus well just write it down here. So this year for this blog is all about me finding my passion or rather writing about it.

Hope you enjoy.
Non illegitimus carborundum

Thursday, December 2, 2010

All we need is LOVE & PEACE.

All I want is Love and Peace. These past few years have been Hell for everyone in the world. Yes some might say "No" not everyone has suffered but really it has been & its undeniable. But how are we going to fix it? There are so many people in this world that have their own opinions and want to speak their mind,but they can't or find it hard. No one really get's anywhere from fighting, bickering, or back stabbing. I sometimes, and this may sound weird, but I sometimes feel like I can feel all the emotions of everyone who is silenced, oppressed, angry, loved, hated, etc. It may sound crazy but I do feel that criticizing someone or a whole race will not get anyone anywhere in life. I don't think Albert Einstein or Benjamin Franklin had their own show and decided to bash and criticize certain people, races, religion,etc. No!! They imagined a world where people would live in Peace and Harmony, so they put their contribution to the world. Created things, gave ideas to make this world the best it can be. They probably didn't care what people thought of them or if they were crazy, if they weren't going the traditional route, or that they were taking too long with a certain invention. They went on with their lives and tried their best to be honorable, truthful and respectable citizens of this world.

Einstein saw the world, the galaxy, the Universe in a whole different way it astounded people. He changed everybody's minds with his theory of relativity and the universe. But the thing is he didn't come up with his solution in 2 years, it took him a few years to find this theory and make people believe and understand in him. It's a shame what this world is slowly coming to and what kind of people are there are.

We are an insignificant planet in a galaxy that is quite small tucked away in some small corner of the universe. We have to remember that. We have to realize that our lives are as small as fleas compared to the big universe. There are probably so many other planets and life forms out there that have probably discovered us by now. They probably laugh at the fact that we have 30 talk shows in the morning that pretty much argue over non-sense. That we have so called "sluts" walking around and we consider them the next celebrity. We have "reality" shows that showcase stupidity and pass it off as entertainment. I personally think that we are a laughing stock to those other life forms out there. Running around the desert looking for weapons and hunting groups that are considered evil to the world.

Honestly its incredible that most of the human race thinks that they are the most important thing in the entire galaxy. Everything revolves around US and there are no such things as aliens or greater power's that is out there. We are not important and we should really stop worrying about the littlest things because it won't matter in a few years. We need Peace and learn to Love one another for who we are. So all this petty bickering and lying and blah blah blah......won't matter, it DOESN'T matter.

We need love and peace in this world because it is the only way, I think, we will be able to make it through this universe and all its wonders.

Monday, August 9, 2010


The world and the people in it are quite funny. No, really they are quite funny. We read about hatred, we hear it, some we know might experience it but we still cannot get used to the idea that there are evil people in his world. It takes us, well me anyways, by surprise when someone says the "N word" or calls a hispanic a "b---". I mean what happened to the world? Where did all this hateful words come from? And who decided that those words were to be considered hateful?

In my opinion the person or persons who came up with those awful and disgusting words were seriously screwed up in the head. They were twisted and had much animosity in their own life, I think that they personally had hostility towards themselves. Now that is taking insecurity to a whole other level. I may not study the bible or whatever book people tend to live their daily lives by but I have seen love, compassion, beauty, anger, hatred, and every other adjective out there. But not from reading but from looking at poeple, learning from example and reading about the history of the world that has actual proof and is not man made. I am not bashing on god or anything like that, I believe that as a human race we need to believe in something in order to get through the day. In order for our lives to not get hectic and out of control.

But it is one thing to believe and there is another thing to preach your own beliefs on other people. The bible has many different stories from many different men but they all seemed to tell one thing. That god was loving to all and compassionate, a healer to the world. He forgave and understood, that is the lesson I personally took away from catholic school. God, the Buddha, the Universe, etc. they all wanted one thing that is "you treat others the way you wish to be treated, love others the way you want to be loved and appreciate others the way you would wanted to be appreciated."

So please from the bottom of my toes to the tip top of head,please do not spread hatred and animosity. Instead spread love its so much more simplier.

Peace AND Love--Spread it AROUND.

Picture from Adam Lamberts Twitter