Sunday, July 11, 2010

Doctor Who

The past few posts have been about, some may say, my cynical feelings toward the corporate world and how people treat people, blah,blah,blah. I know I have a lot to say,but this post is going to be about one of my favorite shows 'Doctor Who' on BBC America.

This show has been around since the 70's and has had 11 different actors play 'the Doctor'. Oh and before I forget it's a British show so it makes it even more awesome. The Doctor is simply the Doctor, he has a name but doesn't tell anyone, and he is in a way the doctor of the Universe. He helps save planets against aliens or any other life forms that want to take over the universe, even humans he makes sure the human race doesn't try to take all the galaxies out there. If you want to learn more please wikipedia it, there is a lot of info involved since it has been around. I personally am not 'hardcore' doctor who fan but I do get the jist of the storyline and what his main point is to do. I just started to watch it and while watching either David Tennant or the current Doctor, Matt Smith do their dialogue and come to these incredible conclusions I couldn't help but think about our vast Universe.

Sometimes I cannot believe that we have such a big universe out there and I will not doubt that there might be a man in a blue box flying around out there. It's hard to believe how insignificant we are compared to everything else, but yes I am saying this "We are small, inexperienced, selfish, self-absorbed humans who think we know everything and deserve everything." But really the Doctor, the writers, the actors, etc. really put it into perspective to me. Yes, what we do in our daily lives and our actions do reflect our lives and what we do on this planet. But there is something much bigger out there, bigger than anything we could ever imagine. Other wordly life forms who probably know about us & know of our problems, but can't help. Because if they know us then they know that if they help, us humans will take advantage of their probably pure souls and use their weapons or brilliant minds in war.

I know it's pretty crazy how I can come to this solution by watching Doctor Who, a show that is make believe, a fictional person, a person made up in someone's brilliant mind. But that's what great writing does, it either intrigues or makes you question everything we know. This post is not me criticizing the show and how the ratings are doing, this is me explaining how one show can literally change the way a person thinks about the world and what it holds. I personally love shows that make my mind think and wonder, beyond what I could have ever imagined.

Peace & Love--Spread it around.

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