Sunday, August 1, 2010

The tragedies of this world.

Let's get one thing straight. There are tragedies all OVER THE WORLD. I know right, like so hard to believe? But it's true, there have been civil wars, genocides, and starvation since, well let's just say for a long time. Earthquakes, floods, tsunami's, hurricanes, or even oil distasters will pass, to some it will take a while for this wound to heal but I think before we think time is SO slow think about the other countries that have seen worst. They have been through more worst, more tragic things that is unfathomable to oh I don't say a guy who works on a hit T.V show but yet complains that the oil spill is the most tragic thing in the world. Yes it is very, very tragic to him.

I am not saying that this oil spill is something to just glide over & let BP take care of it, they need help and a lot of it. But let's take into perspective what the Buddihist's have said time and time again "This too shall pass." Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, the Northridge earthquake, etc. all natural disaster they all passed. I know during that time it was horrible people died, were lost, scared, stuck, and traumatized but you know what they toughened up and got their act together. Realized that the most important thing was for them to get back on their feet and start over, hopefully fresh. But this man made disaster is horrible, yes having this unbelievable oil into the gulf is going to be hard to control. But there are a lot of smart people in this world. People who have created this machines to pump oil from the ocean they can and I believe will manage to find a way to stop the oil from gushing out.

It is no good to point fingers at our President or blame the government for not controlling this oil company. Blaming others will NOT get anyone anywhere and certainly will not make the oil disappear any faster. But what we can do and maybe it's just my optimistic side, but I personally think that those stars who are in LA and tweeting about the disaster trying to get our attention they should start to think about the future. How can they make sure that this will never happen? Maybe they already are but they should not continue to criticize our President who has had a lot to deal with in the past few months and will continue trying to handle the problems until his term has ended. My ending statement is this: This disaster will pass and it will just be a story to be told, but what we do now to stop this from happening in the future is what we need to focus on.

Finally the last words I will write is this--the world has many whimpy, petty and insecure people. There are those that are....what's the word I am looking for..oh right SORER LOSERS. Get off your alaskan high moose and look at the reality: You lost deal with it and learn how to debate without having a cheat sheet on your hand. Ok that rant is done, I think I am going to end it with a happy note. We have a caring President who is trying really hard to clean-up the white man's mess.

Guess I can't end on a happy note. Peace and Love all around!!

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