Thursday, December 2, 2010

All we need is LOVE & PEACE.

All I want is Love and Peace. These past few years have been Hell for everyone in the world. Yes some might say "No" not everyone has suffered but really it has been & its undeniable. But how are we going to fix it? There are so many people in this world that have their own opinions and want to speak their mind,but they can't or find it hard. No one really get's anywhere from fighting, bickering, or back stabbing. I sometimes, and this may sound weird, but I sometimes feel like I can feel all the emotions of everyone who is silenced, oppressed, angry, loved, hated, etc. It may sound crazy but I do feel that criticizing someone or a whole race will not get anyone anywhere in life. I don't think Albert Einstein or Benjamin Franklin had their own show and decided to bash and criticize certain people, races, religion,etc. No!! They imagined a world where people would live in Peace and Harmony, so they put their contribution to the world. Created things, gave ideas to make this world the best it can be. They probably didn't care what people thought of them or if they were crazy, if they weren't going the traditional route, or that they were taking too long with a certain invention. They went on with their lives and tried their best to be honorable, truthful and respectable citizens of this world.

Einstein saw the world, the galaxy, the Universe in a whole different way it astounded people. He changed everybody's minds with his theory of relativity and the universe. But the thing is he didn't come up with his solution in 2 years, it took him a few years to find this theory and make people believe and understand in him. It's a shame what this world is slowly coming to and what kind of people are there are.

We are an insignificant planet in a galaxy that is quite small tucked away in some small corner of the universe. We have to remember that. We have to realize that our lives are as small as fleas compared to the big universe. There are probably so many other planets and life forms out there that have probably discovered us by now. They probably laugh at the fact that we have 30 talk shows in the morning that pretty much argue over non-sense. That we have so called "sluts" walking around and we consider them the next celebrity. We have "reality" shows that showcase stupidity and pass it off as entertainment. I personally think that we are a laughing stock to those other life forms out there. Running around the desert looking for weapons and hunting groups that are considered evil to the world.

Honestly its incredible that most of the human race thinks that they are the most important thing in the entire galaxy. Everything revolves around US and there are no such things as aliens or greater power's that is out there. We are not important and we should really stop worrying about the littlest things because it won't matter in a few years. We need Peace and learn to Love one another for who we are. So all this petty bickering and lying and blah blah blah......won't matter, it DOESN'T matter.

We need love and peace in this world because it is the only way, I think, we will be able to make it through this universe and all its wonders.

Monday, August 9, 2010


The world and the people in it are quite funny. No, really they are quite funny. We read about hatred, we hear it, some we know might experience it but we still cannot get used to the idea that there are evil people in his world. It takes us, well me anyways, by surprise when someone says the "N word" or calls a hispanic a "b---". I mean what happened to the world? Where did all this hateful words come from? And who decided that those words were to be considered hateful?

In my opinion the person or persons who came up with those awful and disgusting words were seriously screwed up in the head. They were twisted and had much animosity in their own life, I think that they personally had hostility towards themselves. Now that is taking insecurity to a whole other level. I may not study the bible or whatever book people tend to live their daily lives by but I have seen love, compassion, beauty, anger, hatred, and every other adjective out there. But not from reading but from looking at poeple, learning from example and reading about the history of the world that has actual proof and is not man made. I am not bashing on god or anything like that, I believe that as a human race we need to believe in something in order to get through the day. In order for our lives to not get hectic and out of control.

But it is one thing to believe and there is another thing to preach your own beliefs on other people. The bible has many different stories from many different men but they all seemed to tell one thing. That god was loving to all and compassionate, a healer to the world. He forgave and understood, that is the lesson I personally took away from catholic school. God, the Buddha, the Universe, etc. they all wanted one thing that is "you treat others the way you wish to be treated, love others the way you want to be loved and appreciate others the way you would wanted to be appreciated."

So please from the bottom of my toes to the tip top of head,please do not spread hatred and animosity. Instead spread love its so much more simplier.

Peace AND Love--Spread it AROUND.

Picture from Adam Lamberts Twitter

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Live performances

This blog post is dedicated to my clever mother. She asked me to write about why at concerts do people need to constantly scream?

It is a fair question I think. The average citizen pays an obsene amount of money and struggles to find parking to watch one of their favorite artists perform all their greatests hits. But you can't truly enjoy the performance or the live music because some crazy fan girl or guy is busy screaming the lyrics in your ears. I personally have only been to 2 concerts in my 16 years of actual appreciation of the music industry. But those concerts girls and guys were just screaming and screaming and it doesn't help that the artist actually tries to talk to the audience. I mean please you cannot hear a word they are saying and most of the time they are too small so you have to look up at a big screen.

But the audience members seem to think, in my opinion, that if you scream loud enough the artist will some how notice you and acknowledge you. But let's get real, these artist do not really care if you scream because they are probably thinking "Hmm now why are they screaming at me? Makes no sense." Or I may be wrong, but all I am blogging is this: If I pay for a concert ticket and my seats are semi-ok, I really want to listen to and appreciate the music I am paying for. It may be boring if everyone in the stadium was quite and I understand that you want to express your voice but please you do not have to scream at every word that comes out of their mouth.

My final words is this, that is why I choose listening to my I-Pod really loud over concerts because at least the music is going straight into my soul and I don't have to deal with the crazy fans. It's more intimate and doesn't everyone like intimacy?

Peace & Love--Spread it around.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The tragedies of this world.

Let's get one thing straight. There are tragedies all OVER THE WORLD. I know right, like so hard to believe? But it's true, there have been civil wars, genocides, and starvation since, well let's just say for a long time. Earthquakes, floods, tsunami's, hurricanes, or even oil distasters will pass, to some it will take a while for this wound to heal but I think before we think time is SO slow think about the other countries that have seen worst. They have been through more worst, more tragic things that is unfathomable to oh I don't say a guy who works on a hit T.V show but yet complains that the oil spill is the most tragic thing in the world. Yes it is very, very tragic to him.

I am not saying that this oil spill is something to just glide over & let BP take care of it, they need help and a lot of it. But let's take into perspective what the Buddihist's have said time and time again "This too shall pass." Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, the Northridge earthquake, etc. all natural disaster they all passed. I know during that time it was horrible people died, were lost, scared, stuck, and traumatized but you know what they toughened up and got their act together. Realized that the most important thing was for them to get back on their feet and start over, hopefully fresh. But this man made disaster is horrible, yes having this unbelievable oil into the gulf is going to be hard to control. But there are a lot of smart people in this world. People who have created this machines to pump oil from the ocean they can and I believe will manage to find a way to stop the oil from gushing out.

It is no good to point fingers at our President or blame the government for not controlling this oil company. Blaming others will NOT get anyone anywhere and certainly will not make the oil disappear any faster. But what we can do and maybe it's just my optimistic side, but I personally think that those stars who are in LA and tweeting about the disaster trying to get our attention they should start to think about the future. How can they make sure that this will never happen? Maybe they already are but they should not continue to criticize our President who has had a lot to deal with in the past few months and will continue trying to handle the problems until his term has ended. My ending statement is this: This disaster will pass and it will just be a story to be told, but what we do now to stop this from happening in the future is what we need to focus on.

Finally the last words I will write is this--the world has many whimpy, petty and insecure people. There are those that are....what's the word I am looking for..oh right SORER LOSERS. Get off your alaskan high moose and look at the reality: You lost deal with it and learn how to debate without having a cheat sheet on your hand. Ok that rant is done, I think I am going to end it with a happy note. We have a caring President who is trying really hard to clean-up the white man's mess.

Guess I can't end on a happy note. Peace and Love all around!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Doctor Who

The past few posts have been about, some may say, my cynical feelings toward the corporate world and how people treat people, blah,blah,blah. I know I have a lot to say,but this post is going to be about one of my favorite shows 'Doctor Who' on BBC America.

This show has been around since the 70's and has had 11 different actors play 'the Doctor'. Oh and before I forget it's a British show so it makes it even more awesome. The Doctor is simply the Doctor, he has a name but doesn't tell anyone, and he is in a way the doctor of the Universe. He helps save planets against aliens or any other life forms that want to take over the universe, even humans he makes sure the human race doesn't try to take all the galaxies out there. If you want to learn more please wikipedia it, there is a lot of info involved since it has been around. I personally am not 'hardcore' doctor who fan but I do get the jist of the storyline and what his main point is to do. I just started to watch it and while watching either David Tennant or the current Doctor, Matt Smith do their dialogue and come to these incredible conclusions I couldn't help but think about our vast Universe.

Sometimes I cannot believe that we have such a big universe out there and I will not doubt that there might be a man in a blue box flying around out there. It's hard to believe how insignificant we are compared to everything else, but yes I am saying this "We are small, inexperienced, selfish, self-absorbed humans who think we know everything and deserve everything." But really the Doctor, the writers, the actors, etc. really put it into perspective to me. Yes, what we do in our daily lives and our actions do reflect our lives and what we do on this planet. But there is something much bigger out there, bigger than anything we could ever imagine. Other wordly life forms who probably know about us & know of our problems, but can't help. Because if they know us then they know that if they help, us humans will take advantage of their probably pure souls and use their weapons or brilliant minds in war.

I know it's pretty crazy how I can come to this solution by watching Doctor Who, a show that is make believe, a fictional person, a person made up in someone's brilliant mind. But that's what great writing does, it either intrigues or makes you question everything we know. This post is not me criticizing the show and how the ratings are doing, this is me explaining how one show can literally change the way a person thinks about the world and what it holds. I personally love shows that make my mind think and wonder, beyond what I could have ever imagined.

Peace & Love--Spread it around.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The hard workers that make a nation whole.

Dedicating this post to all the men and women who have/had a boss that makes you rather bang your head against the wall rather than listen to them. You know who are and be proud to speak your mind.

Ever looked at your hands? Like really looked at it? Have you ever wondered what your own two hands or even one hand, has done in the life that you've been living?The amazing things it has felt and the amazing things you were able to accomplish with these 2 or 1 hands. I wasn't born in the 1700's or during the Renaissance era where there were no technologies or really big trucks to carry really heavy equipment, but those men and women that worked on the Parthenon or the Coliseum, it must have been hard. The heavy material, no head or body protection, having 20 men carry one piece of 20ft wood and it would probably take hrs to put up. The amount of detail these men and women had to deal with in order for this grand master piece to be put together. So when the great leaders of the world talked or partied, the Italians or Greeks could brag "yeah I gotta round stadium, beat that." Now a days we have the technology to make the labor a little bit easier on the men and women working on construction sights, picking vegetables, or bringing furniture up the empire state building.

But what we, and by we I mean the men and women who don't have these sorts of jobs, don't understand is this: those jobs are still a lot harder even with all the technology. I am not going to mention the types of people who work these kinds of jobs but I am just gonna say they deserve to get paid a lot more that $4.50 an hr. They work before the sun comes up & way past the sun goes down, because they have to feed themselves & their family. They don't want to work all those hours, bending over, breaking bones, etc. They would rather be with their families and finding a job that might pay better. Then there are those who have high power jobs and get paid the big bucks and would rather stay at the office all night and day to the point where they are home at midnight. Yes their priorities are similar--main goal to support their family--but sometimes I can't help but think some of these people actually want to stay away from their family.

Those high corporate officials are just like the leaders during the building of the Coliseum, they take credit for the design, where it is place and what it will be used for. But they tend to forget the men that worked to bring the material up or put it together so it can look as flawless as possible. Do you think they would thank someone who holds a hammer compared to the other someone who holds the money? Me thinks not. My real point is this, that the high corporate officials, the Senators, anyone who thinks they are to good and have really big egos, they should really appreciate the so called "little people" because without them they wouldn't be on such high horses. If everyone who has ever felt "little" or has been treated with disrespect, would just walk right out and never look back all those officials wouldn't have a job. Yes IMHO they would not be in the position they are in without the 'helps' help, so a tip for the future leaders of the corporate world treat the people you might consider beneath you with a little respect they in a way control you.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where is this Rule Book?

Right now I am listening to Sara Bareilles' song "The King of Anything" She sings about her boyfriend and how come he can judge her but yet he won't allow her to share her opinion. And she is right, what gave him the right to comment on everything she does or doesn't do? Or even for that matter a woman, what gave any woman the right to humiliate another woman or guy? To gossip in order to make their ego feel a lot better? In my honest opinion (IMHO) in the beginning of time cavemen,Adam & Eve, whatever you believe in, the only thing that was on their mind was food, water, and survival. Money didn't exist, greed wasn't a word, selfish had not begun to form. But my question is, where did we the human race, the greatest thing God ever created or in evolution sense coming from animals, when did we get so evil? So cruel? So heartless? That the only thing beating is the money sign flashing in the eyes $$$$.

When did this jealousy and greed truly begin to take over our lives? Why is it that you have to be so mean and rude to people because you think it will make them learn a lesson? But the funny thing is it's up to the person getting bullied, taunted, and interrogated that has to stand up and face the music. They are the one's that has to put on a happy face and say to themselves "I can get through this. There is always a bright side" Why is it up to the belittled people to tough it out? Who says the world has to be vicious in order to succeed!! What about the bullies? Oh they will get karma, they'll get what's coming to them. But when? I personally would not like to see them in pain or feel my anger but rather let them experience a place where success didn't come from hate and betrayal but from kindness and patience. Maybe if their heart and mind are open to it they might have hope that the high corporate, sky line business can work together instead of individually.

That saying, that old saying the innocent people used to say, "Kindness goes a long way." Whatever happened to that mentality? I know I am just dreaming but i believe that if most of the people in this world just learned to be kinder, patient, loving, and calmer this world could solve the biggest problems we face. And please reading tweets or quotes or self-help books that say "if you want this peaceful world start with you, within you." I am going to be honest but not mean by writing that it does not matter if you try your hardest, believe it the most, or wish it everyday this world is like a team. In order to succeed we need to all be on the same page, believe in the same thing and trust each other.

If we could try to recreate this "Rule Book" into something more manageable and kinder I would not be surprised if we succeed more with kindness than will harsh and evil words. And the one's they are atrocious and monstrous too are the one's who keep their greedy lives going. And this is all IMHO.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Every moment is most important!

Is it a cliche to write that every moment is an opportunity to learn? But there is so much truth in that sentence. Every incident, whether good or bad, is a moment to learn, love and grow. I am still trying to harness this belief and realize that everything that has happened was meant to happen. But still that whole "I'm gonna think optimistic and positive" idea can sometimes get a little tiring. Yes, I am one who is always preaching about thinking positive and looking towards the bright side but sometimes I just wanna kick it in the a**. I mean lets get serious, the world is full of hatred and negative thoughts. That is what keeps the world going around and makes the rich people richer.

The rich and wealthy thrive on the poor or rather the medium income citizen. Without the lower class people the rich, famous, and wealthy would be no where. Let's take the famous people for example. Many celebrities take for granted all the fame they were given. They tend to not treat the fans right when they want an autograph but when they win that award they say "I wouldn't be here without the fans!" What a load of whoo-haa, I mean seriously STOP LIYING!! We all know that they don't care about the fans even though they made them super famous!!

But I am getting off topic here, my true point is this that no matter how tough the situation we will always think that this moment is the worst moment of our lives. But is it really? I wanna write no but when you are in that moment, feeling all those emotions it will feel like the end of the world. Those people out there are the toughest people ever but what gave them the right to be so cruel and mean? That will be for another post.

As for now I will be signing off and maybe hope that tomorrow will bring some type of inspiration into my life and yours.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

D- rated movies seem to capture the wondering eye

A few days ago my mother, whom I love dearly, made me sit through 2 and 1/2hrs of torture. And not the kind of torture like when a poor, innocent animal is getting slaughtered but torture as in a movie. A movie that was so horrific I cringed through most of it. The movie was "Streetfighter: The Legend of Chun Li" and it was based in Thailand.I would give a quick summary but I would probably never finish this post. Not that I don't mind watching movies that have some great kicking-booty but come one honestly this script was atrocious.

The movie starred Kristin Kreuk( Smallville), Chris Klien (ex of Katie Holmes-Cruise) and the voice of Pocahontas. Yes I cannot remember the other names because I have been trying to get rid of that horrible plot for the past few days now. The only reason why my mom got this movie was because of 2 very good reasons: #1 She likes the actress Kristin Kreuk, #2 She likes those type of Kung-Fu movies. I also do enjoy those action packed movies but this movie was leaning on the side of Glitter and Twilight. Yes, (gasp) I am calling Twilight bad, but that is for a later post.

But in actuality I like those types of movies that do not even get to see the daylight of the movie theater. They get the pleasure of going straight to DVD's that cost like $9.99. I like them because when I am feeling down or upset I pop in a DVD i know will make me laugh even when it's not a comedy. Some may say that I have no idea what the heck I am talking about. I have no experience in movies and I have no idea what is good. True but I have seen my fair share of movies and this one is not one for the books.

Not trying to be mean here I mean there is tons of other bloggers and critics that would literally poke fun at how fast Chris Klein's career has gone down hill or how Kristin Kreuk desperately wanted to escape television and try her hand at movies. And now look where she is, she is gonna be doing a pilot for CBS but after she was a regular on the NBC show Chuck. I am simply pointing out that these talented actors, whom many claimed would be great, have turned out to be just C-rated actors. Trying to get a job that will lift their careers back to the top once more. While kids who are just turning 16 are taking their place as A-listers.

I have no idea what this madness is coming to but it seems we gotta give those actors a bit more credit because I have come to the realization. It's not the actors but something the writers are smoking is making this script reek of horribleness.